2015 Sets Regulation Record: Federal Register Hits All Time High 81,611 Pages

federal regulations printed out by Sen. Mike Lee (Utah).
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This year sets a new record for the number of pages in the Federal Register, according to the Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI).

The Federal Register, which is the official journal for government regulations, contains 81,611 pages with only one more day left before the new year. In 2014, there were 77,687. The previous record high was in 2010 with 81,405.

President Obama is accountable for six out of the seven yearly all-time high Federal Register page counts, according to CEI.

CEI’s Wayne Crews documented the record of federal rules for 2015, noting, “Among this year’s pages so far are 3,378 final rules and regulations. Of those final rules, 545 are recognized as having effects on small businesses.”


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