ABC News/Washington Post Poll: Highest Opposition Ever to ‘Assault Weapons’ Ban

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On December 16 an ABC News/Washington Post poll showed that an “assault weapons” ban faces the largest opposition among the American people ever.

Fifty-three percent of the American people oppose such a ban, which is up from 13 percent opposition in 1994.

According to ABC News, in addition to showing increased opposition to an “assault weapons” ban, the poll shows that support for such a ban has fallen by almost 50 percent since 1994.

In 1994 support for the ban was at 80 percent, today it is at 45 percent.

Moreover, the poll shows that Americans are looking to guns for security. ABC News/WAPO found that 47 percent of Americans believe “encouraging more people to carry guns legally” is a better answer than the gun control solution supported by 42 percent of Americans.

Faith in government’s ability to protect the American people is low, with 77 percent lacking confidence that government can “prevent a lone-wolf attack.” And regarding a “large scale attack,” 56 percent of Americans doubt the government’s ability to prevent it, too.

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