Hillary Clinton Damaged By Her 9/11 Explanation For Wall Street Donations

Alex Wong/Getty Images
Alex Wong/Getty Images

DES MOINES – Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary Clinton is under fire for using the 9/11 terrorist attacks to justify her years of Wall Street campaign contributions.

Clinton said at Saturday’s Democratic debate that helping Wall Street to rebuild after 9/11 was “a way to rebuke the terrorists,” and that’s why she’s such a massive recipient of Wall Street cash to this very day.

Clinton campaign surrogate Rep. Sheila Jackson-Lee used the 9/11 talking point in a Spin Room interview with Breitbart News.

“Not at all,” Jackson-Lee said when asked if the 9/11 explanation hurt Clinton. “The clarity of the issue is, New York State is a state of many areas. Wall Street is one of the areas. She worked hard to re-build them after 9/11.”

Jackson-Lee said that she was in Congress after 9/11, and she repeatedly invoked 9/11 to explain Clinton’s Wall Street donations.

But Clinton campaign communications director Jen Palmieri was not on the same page as Jackson-Lee and her candidate.

“I’m glad you brought this up. She did not use it as a justification for Wall Street donations,” Palmieri told Breitbart News in the Spin Room.

Pamieri quoted Clinton as saying, “Yeah, I was the senator from New York after 9/11.”

“She was proud to do that,” Palmieri said, but denied that the campaign is employing a uniform 9/11 talking point on the matter.

When asked by Breitbart News if the campaign plans to reign in surrogates like Jackson-Lee who are using the talking point, Palmieri seemed stunned.

“Sounds like maybe I need to,” Palmieri said. “I wasn’t aware of that.”

The Bernie Sanders campaign, meanwhile, is letting Clinton take the blows without attacking her directly for it.

“I’ll let the question speak for itself. It wasn’t our question,” Sanders’ campaign-manager Jeff Weaver told Breitbart News. ” I do think if you look at the records of the candidates, Senator Sanders has the strongest record of standing up to Wall Street.”


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