
Jeb: W Wasn’t Aggressive Enough In Reigning In Spending

Republican presidential candidate and former Florida Governor Jeb Bush stated that his brother, former President George W. Bush “didn’t control the Republican Congress’ spending” on Tuesday’s broadcast of CBS’ “The Late Show with Stephen Colbert.” Jeb was asked, “in what


Americans Responded to Summer of Unrest with Record Gun Purchases

As the widely-televised Baltimore riots gave way to a summer rife with more civil unrest, calls for widespread violence, and targeted attacks on police officers, Americans flooded into gun stores at such a high pace that they set records for the number of background checks conducted in May, June, July, and August.

Reuters/Jim Young

Gun Owners of America Endorses Ted Cruz for President

On September 8 Gun Owners of America (GOA) endorsed Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) for President of the United States. In a press release issued with the endorsement, GOA chairman Tim Macy explained the reasons they chose Cruz: Ted Cruz has promised

Ted Cruz Hunting Nati HarnikAP

Ted Cruz Targets Trump’s Supporters

ATLANTA (AP) — As other Republican presidential candidates go after Donald Trump, Texas Sen. Ted Cruz is getting cozy with him. The two men are in a so-far cordial competition for many of the same anti-establishment conservatives, and they’re about

The Associated Press

Exclusive — Gohmert: House GOP Leadership Considering Holding Iran Vote On Sept. 11, Worse than Neville Chamberlain

Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX) is furious that House GOP leadership is considering holding a vote on a resolution of disapproval of President Barack Obama’s nuclear arms deal with the Islamic Republican of Iran under the terms of the Iran deal constructs put forward in legislation approved earlier this year from Sens. Bob Corker (R-TN) and Ben Cardin (D-MD).

Planned Parenthood

New Documents Raise Questions on Hillary Clinton and Classified Material

If Team Clinton and Team Obama had their druthers, the American people would know nothing about her non-government email system. But thanks to numerous federal lawsuits and multiple federal court orders obtained by Judicial Watch, the Obama State Department must disgorge document after document about this increasingly serious scandal. Judicial Watch has had another major breakthrough to report.

White House Photo / Pete Souza

Poll: Ben Carson, Donald Trump Surge to More Support Than Establishment Candidates Combined

“When people have an opportunity to actually get a chance to hear me for themselves — as opposed to having me interpreted to them by some media outlet — their reactions are quite different. I knew that after the debate, that a lot more people would get real exposure that would allow them to form a more accurate opinion of who I am,” Dr. Ben Carson told Breitbart News in an exclusive interview.

South Carolina

The Pope, The Pro-Aborts in Congress, and the Pro-life Movement

Just days before the publication of my book, Rep. Rosa L. DeLauro published yet another letter, signed by even more of her colleagues, and addressed this time to the Holy Father, in anticipation of his September 24 speech to Congress. In a profoundly hollow and self-contradictory fashion, she praises the Pope’s “solidarity with the poor and the marginalized,” and then goes on to urge him to address a litany of social problems, with no mention at all about the violence of abortion.

The Associated Press

Jonah Goldberg and the Anti-Trump Bourgeoisie

It’s a bizarre thing existing in a Netherworld where you neither support nor despise Republican frontrunner Donald Trump. The benefits of this new media world of ours, this awe-inspiring world of social media and instant online publishing, far outweigh the

The Barclays - Final Round

Pelosi: Confident in Hillary Clinton’s Integrity

House Minority Leader Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) told Bloomberg Anchor Emily Chang she has “confidence” in former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, a candidate for the 2016 Democratic presidential nomination, and her integrity and believes she avoided sending or receiving classified
