Carly Fiorina Slams Donald Trump on Immigration: His Ideas ‘Stoke Anger’

AP Photo/Matt York
AP Photo/Matt York

GOP presidential candidate Carly Fiorina took a jab at GOP frontrunner Donald Trump during her campaign swing through Iowa, where she said she doesn’t support challenging the Constitution or the 14th amendment, in light of Trump’s immigration plan.

“I’ve been very clear I don’t support deportation. I don’t support amending the Constitution or challenging the 14th Amendment,” Fiorina told NBC News on the topic of Trump’s immigration policy. “I think these are ideas that stoke anger but don’t solve problems. I think Donald Trump is stoking anger without solving problems. And I think others, now, are sadly pandering to him.”

Fiorina reiterated to voters the need to secure the border, something she often stresses. She also advocated establishing “an effective employer-verification system,” NBC News reported.

According to NBC News, she didn’t say anything specific about undoing President Obama’s executive actions.

“Following her town hall at Iowa State University in Ames, Fiorina said she would be open to passing a version of the Dream Act to grant citizenship for young undocumented immigrants who came to the U.S. as children,” reported NBC News.

“Perhaps their children can earn citizenship because I don’t think we should punish children for the sins of their fathers and mothers. I don’t.”

According to the NBC News report, Fiorina impressed voters with her speech, which didn’t just focus on immigration.

A Monmouth University poll released Monday had Fiorina in third place in Iowa with 10 percent.


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