Trump/Cruz Summit in Manhattan

AP Photo/Austin American-Statesman, Rodolfo Gonzalez
AP Photo/Austin American-Statesman, Rodolfo Gonzalez

Texas Sen. Ted Cruz will meet with fellow GOP contender Donald Trump on Wednesday at Trump’s campaign headquarters, New York City’s Trump Tower.

Cruz, the first Republican to declare a run for the presidency, will step onto Trump’s territory in Manhattan and is visiting Trump, not the other way around. As the Washington Post notes, the two candidates are on friendly terms and both take a strong, popular stand against mass illegal immigration.

According to a Suffolk University/USA Today poll, Trump leads the field, with 17 percent of Republicans and independents surveyed saying he’s their first choice for the GOP nomination, while Cruz trails 11 points behind, at six percent. Before the debates and first state primaries take place, however, it’s too early to write Cruz off.

After the political class denounced Trump for pointing out that Mexico sends criminals, such as drug dealers and rapists, across the border, Cruz defended him.

“I salute Donald Trump for focusing on the need to address illegal immigration. The Washington cartel doesn’t want to address that,” he told Meet The Press‘s Chuck Todd.

The Washington Post also spoke to several Republicans after both campaigns declined to comment.  Knowledgeable party members said the two see one another as “fellow travelers,” and Trump may use Cruz to help fend off attacks.

A new Washington Post/ABC News poll shows Trump rapidly gaining steam with Republicans: 57 percent now view him favorably. Less than a week ago, only 49 percent did.

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