Is Michelle Obama Bald? Probably Not, But People Are Running With It


Is Michelle Obama bald? That’s the question raised by news organizations after watching the First Lady appear on Jeopardy! to promote healthy cooking and nutrition as part of her “Let’s Move!” initiative.

After the appearance, The Hill, The New York Daily News, the Daily Mail, and the International Business Times all question the status of the First Lady’s hair, although it appears that she pulled back her hair and tied it behind her head into a ponytail.

That didn’t stop MSNBC from openly wondering what she had done to her hair, citing the swarm of social media reactions to her appearance.

“Social media users are now asking about her hair, many say it looks like she shaved her head,” MSNBC’s “First Look” reported this morning.

The bright camera lighting doesn’t do her hairstyle any favors, but it’s surprising that the East Wing allowed this pre-taped interview out of the White House.

The First Lady recently returned from her Asia tour where she was photographed with a full head of hair.

Watch the video of her Jeopardy! appearance below:


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