Caroline Glick: Palestinians Assaulted Mohamed Saud for Embracing the ‘Two-State Solution’
Proponents of the so-called “two-state solution” are empowering the Palestinians to maintain their rejectionism and violence.

Proponents of the so-called “two-state solution” are empowering the Palestinians to maintain their rejectionism and violence.
Israeli celebrity historian and philosopher Yuval Noah Harari agreed to replace references to Russian President Vladimir Putin in the “fake news” section of his book with references to U.S. President Donald Trump in the Russian edition of his new history book.
Benjamin Netanyahu became Israel’s longest-serving prime minister on Friday, and he is favored to win the next elections in September. But the Trump administration is concerned that his political future may not be secure.
On July 9, an Israeli court ruled that the Palestinian Authority was responsible for several attacks by Palestinian terrorist organizations against Israel — a landmark decision that could, and should, have international implications.
President Donald Trump’s tweets on Sunday drew predictable condemnation. But aside from the partisan debate about whether they were racist, they contained an important truth: hatred of Jews and hatred of America are linked.
Last week the Associated Press ran a hit job on a successful American businessman. Simon Falic and his two brothers own the Duty Free Americas chain, a private company that runs duty free stores in airports throughout the United States and Latin America.
U.S. National Security Advisor John Bolton told Breitbart News this week that President Donald Trump is considering canceling the remaining sanctions waivers Iran enjoys, in response to its enrichment of uranium past the allowed level.
The Palestinian leadership didn’t boycott the Trump administration’s economic meeting in Bahrain last week because it denied them a future political horizon. They oppose the Trump Prosperity to Peace plan because it gives them an open road to success.
It is regrettable that Mohamed Morsi apparently received ill treatment in Egypt’s prisons. But his failure to maintain power is a blessing for humanity.
David Friedman’s position on Israel retaining parts of Judea and Samara was the same as every U.S. administration except Obama’s.
Acknowledging Iran’s aggression is largely inconceivable for Germany and its EU partners; China and Russia do not want to admit the truth, either.
The BDS campaign against Israel shares disturbing connections with, and sympathy for, Palestinian terror — and works to promote its goals.
Mark Levin’s book is a wake up call to all Americans. Information and speech suppression by ideologically motivated media is devastating to societies and to individuals. Prioritizing ideologies over human lives costs human lives.
Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, a stalwart friend of Israel, declared: “If you openly support BDS in Florida, you’re dead, politically.”
Because of Avigdor Liberman’s personal vendetta against Benjamin Netanyahu, the Israeli public has been denied their right to a government.
Voters are choosing the populist, nationalist right in part due to their anger at the left and center-right’s undisguised contempt for them.
Trump’s maximum pressure campaign against Iran is succeeding. That is why the Obama alumni and the Iranian regime hate it so much.
To succeed, President Donald Trump’s peace plan must provide Israeli sovereignty over “Area C” in Judea and Samaria (the “West Bank”).
In the anti-fact, anti-reality environment that now dominates the Democratic Party, it made sense for Pelosi and Hoyer to defend Rashida Tlaib.
Media analysts and Obama administration officials are working overtime to blame President Donald Trump for Iran’s decision, announced Wednesday, to breach key limitations on its nuclear operations that Teheran had accepted in 2015 in the framework of the so-called Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), otherwise known as the nuclear dea
If Israel’s military commanders are correct, and the next round of Hamas aggression is waiting around the corner, then Israel should use the coming weeks to prepare itself for an operation that will convince Hamas that it is wrong to view attacks on Israel as a means to ensure its economic survival.
President Donald Trump reportedly intends to designate the Muslim Brotherhood a foreign terrorist organization. And he should.
In under a week, the U.S. has been subjected to three major anti-Jewish events that flow from three different poisonous wells.
The New York Times — as an institution that propagates anti-Jewish messages, narratives, and demonizations — is deeply tied to the rise in white supremacist violence against Jews.
While conservative Jewish American groups congratulated Israelis for their open democracy, liberal American Jewish groups responded to the Israeli election results by throwing a collective fit
Egypt has an uneasy peace with Israel and remains a challenge for security and stability in the Middle East.
The timing of Trump’s statement on the Golan Heights was less driven by politics and more a function of recent developments in Syria.
The Democratic Party’s’s refusal last week to condemn Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) explicitly for her repeated use of antisemitic language, or even to condemn antisemitism on its own, was a major blow to the Jewish community of the United States.
Germany’s enthusiastic, warm, and supportive ties to the genocidally anti-Jewish Iranian regime seem to point to motivations far more sinister than mere greed.
If nothing else comes of it, the latest round of Pakistani aggression against India served as yet another signal to the U.S. that the time has come to cut its losses and walk away from Afghanistan.
Israel’s interests are are best advanced by working with like-minded countries. And in issues that matter, along a wide spectrum of areas, Poland is a like-minded country, despite painful historical differences.
The liberal media have been quick to pan last week’s Warsaw conference on Middle East security as a failure. And their unanimity of opinion is proof of the conference’s success.
Rep. Ilhan Omar is an antisemite and, as the actions of the congressional Democratic leadership last week made clear, hating Jews is a perfectly acceptable position in today’s Democratic Party.
After nine months, Lebanese Prime Minister Saed Hariri has finally bowed to reality. Hezbollah and its allies won the elections last May. And elections have consequences — which is why the U.S. should withdraw its support from Lebanon’s government.
The Trump White House is reportedly deliberating the best time to present its plan for Arab-Israeli peace. But Arab societies still hate Israel.
Last week, Amnesty International came out with a viciously antisemitic report demanding that online tourism websites boycott Jewish sites in the Holy Land.
The Palestinians don’t want peace. And the Israelis can no longer afford to flatter would-be American peacemakers by accepting their unrealistic plans.
“If [reports] they are true, they indicate that the Trump team has learned nothing from the past. And if they do go forward with something that looks like what has been reported, then their plan is a non-starter.”
The first lesson of the Iranian revolution must be that you cannot understand the Middle East – or anything for that matter – if you judge events and people through the filter of irrational prejudice.
The United Nations (UN) is often a theater of the absurd, where events take place that represent the exact opposite reality. So it was with the Palestinians and the G-77 last week.