Flashback – Dem Senator Warner Promises Virginians: You Can Keep Your Health Plan

Flashback – Dem Senator Warner Promises Virginians: You Can Keep Your Health Plan

In 2010 Sen. Mark Warner (D-VA) promised the people of Virginia that he was “not going to support a health care reform plan that’s going to take away health care that you’ve got right now or a health plan that you like.”

Warner cast the deciding vote for Obamacare in March 2010. Because of that vote, millions of Americans (including Virginians) have lost the health plans that they liked. 

Warner gave the keynote address at the 2008 Democratic National Convention that nominated Sen. Barack Obama for president. 

In that address he said, “Look at health care: if we bring down costs and cover everyone, not only will America be healthier, we’ll be more competitive in the global economy.”

Currently, most Americans are experiencing astronomical increases in their health insurance costs and in the size of their deductibles.  

Sen. Warner is up for re-election in 2014.  He has been remarkably silent about Obamacare since the Healthcare.gov rollout began 43 days ago.  


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