Education Action Group

Articles by Education Action Group

Obamacare Will Cause Hardship to Maine Schools

The economic downturn that began in 2008 sent many of the nation’s school districts into a financial tailspin. Less economic activity led to smaller streams of tax revenue for schools, which has resulted in mass teacher layoffs, larger class sizes,

Obamacare Will Cause Hardship to Maine Schools

Philadelphia Teacher Bullies Student for Wearing Romney Shirt

PHILADELPHIA – A high school sophomore says her geometry teacher bullied her for wearing a Mitt Romney t-shirt to class last Friday. Sixteen-year-old Samantha Pawlucy used “dress-down” day at Charles Carroll High School to show support for the Republican presidential

Philadelphia Teacher Bullies Student for Wearing Romney Shirt

Obama School Lunch Standards: Spartan Rationing, Tossed Leftovers

MONTANA – The new school year is only a few weeks old, but it’s already becoming clear that the federal government’s new school lunch guidelines are about as popular as the NFL’s replacement referees. After published a recent article

Obama School Lunch Standards: Spartan Rationing, Tossed Leftovers

Portland Schools Spend $500k to Deem PB&J Sandwiches Racist

PORTLAND, Ore. – Dr. Verenice Gutierrez, a principal with Oregon’s Portland Public Schools, has become convinced that America’s “white culture” negatively influences educators’ world view and the manner in which they teach their students. For instance, last year a teacher

Portland Schools Spend $500k to Deem PB&J Sandwiches Racist

Will Emanuel Get Tough with Striking Teachers?

Some believe the long-anticipated Chicago teachers strike, which began this morning, represents an inevitable showdown in the spiraling war between the education reform movement and the nation’s teachers unions.We think it’s more specific than that. We believe it’s more of

Will Emanuel Get Tough with Striking Teachers?

Michigan Supreme Court Allows Big Labor Power Grab on November Ballot

LANSING, Mich. – The Michigan Supreme Court this week approved Big Labor’s “Protect Our Jobs” ballot initiative that would enshrine collective bargaining in the state’s constitution – a power grab to elevate labor agreements above state and local laws. F.

Michigan Supreme Court Allows Big Labor Power Grab on November Ballot

Taxpayer Group Asks Voters to Strip $16M from Public School Budget

WESTERVILLE, Ohio – Parents and taxpayers in the Westerville City School District want to force school spending reform in a very interesting way. Their plan is to take away approximately $16 million from the district’s budget by repealing a portion

Taxpayer Group Asks Voters to Strip $16M from Public School Budget

Free Pension Giveaway Costs Cleveland Schools $35 million

For a school district facing possible bankruptcy, the Cleveland Metropolitan School District was very generous with its employees during the 2010-11 school year.  For example, taxpayers may be surprised to learn they paid the pension contributions for the district and

Free Pension Giveaway Costs Cleveland Schools $35 million

Stanford Expert: Union Leaders They Must Reward the Best Teachers

CHICAGO – An education expert from Stanford University told the presidents of the nation’s two largest teachers unions Thursday that they could help increase compensation for educators throughout the nation if they would agree to reward the best teachers and

Stanford Expert: Union Leaders They Must Reward the Best Teachers

Poll: NEA Members Not Enthusiastic about Obama Campaign

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Thus far, President Obama’s re-election strategy has been based on attacking Mitt Romney, rather than citing his own record in office. Now it appears the National Education Association may have to employ the same strategy to get

Poll: NEA Members Not Enthusiastic about Obama Campaign

Fewer School Days, Free Health Insurance for Los Angeles Teachers

The school year keeps getting shorter in the Los Angeles Unified School District. Yet teachers still get free health insurance coverage while the district spends hundreds of millions of dollars every year to cover the cost of the premiums. That’s much

Fewer School Days, Free Health Insurance for Los Angeles Teachers

Virginia School District Charges Watchdogs $40,000 for Freedom of Information Request

There’s no “free” when it comes to “freedom of information” requests in Virginia’s Prince William County school district. Quite the opposite, in fact. On behalf of, Americans for Prosperity-Virginia recently filed a freedom of information request with the district, seeking checking account

Virginia School District Charges Watchdogs $40,000 for Freedom of Information Request

Union Leaders Display Radical Side at Post-Election Occupy Rally

Need more proof that Wisconsin public employee union leaders and the radicals in the Occupy movement are close allies who share a common agenda? Check out the video we shot of the Occupy Milwaukee rally and march that occurred last

Union Leaders Display Radical Side at Post-Election Occupy Rally

Teachers Union Activist: Socialist Ideas 'As American As Apple Pie'

MILWAUKEE – Last week EAGnews published a video featuring Milwaukee teachers union president Bob Peterson tut-tutting about putting union political flyers in the backpacks of students and bussing parents and students to vote in the Wisconsin recall election. Of course that strategy didn’t work.

Teachers Union Activist: Socialist Ideas 'As American As Apple Pie'

Wisconsin School Officials: Public Shouldn't Learn About Teacher Compensation

JANESVILLE, Wis. – Education officials in a rural Wisconsin school district find it “disturbing” and “upsetting” that someone had the nerve to spread public information to the public. A flier distributed last weekend reportedly contained salary figures for hundreds of teachers in

Wisconsin School Officials: Public Shouldn't Learn About Teacher Compensation

San Diego Teachers Throw Out Radical Union Leader

SAN DIEGO – By the end of June, one in five San Diego public school teachers might be out of a job. That grim reality has educators scared for their economic futures. That explains why the San Diego teachers union voted in March to

San Diego Teachers Throw Out Radical Union Leader

Suits Seeks to End Legal Protections for Incompetent California Teachers

LOS ANGELES – When it comes to education reform, California has become the land of litigation. That’s because state lawmakers and local school board members are often financed and controlled by powerful teachers unions, which selfishly oppose logical reform efforts. If union

Suits Seeks to End Legal Protections for Incompetent California Teachers

Wisconsin Union Continues to Defend Teacher Convicted of Molesting Student

WAUSAUKEE, Wis. – To more fully appreciate the destructive influence Big Labor has on public schools, consider the case of former Wausaukee teacher Kurt Kostelecky. Kostelecky was convicted last summer of having sexual contact with a freshman female student during the

Wisconsin Union Continues to Defend Teacher Convicted of Molesting Student

Report: Expensive Union Contracts Overwhelming Detroit Public Schools

DETROIT – It’s no secret that Detroit Public Schools have been a financial mess for several years. Rising costs, large-scale theft and fraud, dwindling enrollment and poor management have led to budget deficits reportedly as high as $327 million. In the summer

Report: Expensive Union Contracts Overwhelming Detroit Public Schools

Union Fail: Why Is Wisconsin Even Having a Recall Election?

MADISON, Wis. – We thought the Wisconsin recall was all about restoring collective bargaining for public employees. But the Democrats of Wisconsin obviously don’t agree. They made that clear Tuesday when they overwhelmingly rejected Kathleen Falk, the anointed candidate of the public sector unions, in

Union Fail: Why Is Wisconsin Even Having a Recall Election?

Wisconsin Teachers Union Teams up with Radicals

MADISON – The demonstrations and chaos that followed Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker’s introduction of budget reforms – later known as Act 10 – were a preview of what was to come from the orchestrated Occupy Wall Street protests. The protests in Madison had many of the same elements,

Wisconsin Teachers Union Teams up with Radicals

Union Leader Says Education Reforms Are an Attack Against 'Human Rights'

CARSON CITY, Nev. – Is teacher tenure a “human right”? That’s what the head of the Nevada State Education Association seemed to suggest in a television interview last weekend. Appearing on a local news show, NSEA President Lynn Warne said the Silver State’s new education reforms

Union Leader Says Education Reforms Are an Attack Against 'Human Rights'

Wisconsin Teachers Union Threatens Parent for Challenging Union Abuses

RACINE, Wis. – Former Racine Unified school district board member Brian Deyhas had his fair share of run-ins with the district’s teachers union. He proposed Act 10-style cuts when he served on the board between 2005 and 2008. More recently, he pressed school officials

Wisconsin Teachers Union Threatens Parent for Challenging Union Abuses

Michigan Teacher: Reform Wouldn't Allow Me to Retire at 47

LANSING, Mich. — The nation’s teacher unions have been warning Americans that education reform is really a war against the middle class. The unions say powerful corporations are behind the movement to hold public schools accountable for how much students

Michigan Teacher: Reform Wouldn't Allow Me to Retire at 47

Left-Wing Teachers Plan to 'Occupy' Justice Department to Defend Cop-Killer

WASHINGTON, D.C. – The memo has gone out, the date has been saved. This coming Tuesday, radicals of all stripes will descend upon the U.S. Department of Justice in Washington D.C. to rally in support of convicted cop killer Mumia Abu-Jamal. Organizers are hoping to

Left-Wing Teachers Plan to 'Occupy' Justice Department to Defend Cop-Killer

Wisconsin's Radical Teachers Use Students as Political Tools

RACINE – Wisconsin’s radical left-wing teachers are at it again. And this time, they’ve incited their students to draw up a “Student Bill of Rights” and encouraged them to pack recent school board meetings in Racine and Milwaukee to insist that school officials adopt the

Wisconsin's Radical Teachers Use Students as Political Tools

Teacher Unions Push for Tax Increases at National, State Level

When Congress passed the “edujobs” stimulus in the summer of 2010, the nation’s teacher union leaders must have made champagne toasts to celebrate their clever way of preserving union jobs while so many public schools were facing budget problems. Union leaders figured

Teacher Unions Push for Tax Increases at National, State Level

New Jersey Union Believes Taxpayers Should Stay Out of School Business

RAMSEY, N.J. – In February, Ramsey (New Jersey) school board members did something so outrageous, so beyond the bounds of decency and sacred tradition that the local teachers’ union president says it has poisoned relations between the district and union “for decades

New Jersey Union Believes Taxpayers Should Stay Out of School Business

California Teacher Stands Up to Teachers' Union

RIVERSIDE, Calif. – Allen Osborn is a special education teacher at the Riverside Unified School District in California, where he teaches severely handicapped students in kindergarten through third grade. It’s a job he loves, and he hasn’t looked back since leaving the business world six years

California Teacher Stands Up to Teachers' Union

Milwaukee Public Schools Sucked Dry by Union Labor Costs

MILWAUKEE – The average Milwaukee Public Schools teacher was absent from the classroom over 9 percent of the time during the 2010-11 school year. The district’s 5,241 teachers took a whopping 92,691 days off last year – in the form of sick days,

Milwaukee Public Schools Sucked Dry by Union Labor Costs

Detroit Students Protest Inadequate Education, Absent Teachers

DETROIT – According to students at Detroit Public Schools’ Frederick Douglass Academy, it’s become commonplace for large numbers of teachers to be absent at the same time, resulting in a teacher shortage. When that occurs, students are forced to spend their

Detroit Students Protest Inadequate Education, Absent Teachers

Education Reform Activist Fired by Connecticut School

NEW HAVEN, Conn. – A day after hosting a pro-education reform rally at the state capitol, the president of the Connecticut Parents Union was fired from her job as a workshop presenter with New Haven Public Schools’ Head Start Program. CTPU President Gwen

Education Reform Activist Fired by Connecticut School

Federal Judge: Public Sector Union Collective Bargaining Is Not a Right

MADISON – Wisconsin’s public sector unions and their allies are hailing a recent court decision on Act 10 as a victory heading into the summer recall season. But the most important part of the new law – that collective bargaining is not a legal right -survived the

Federal Judge: Public Sector Union Collective Bargaining Is Not a Right

Las Vegas Arbitrator Rules Against Union, Saves 134 Teacher Jobs

Here’s a story straight out of the “strange but true” file: The Las Vegas teachers’ union is upset with an arbitrator’s decision that will save the jobs of 134 teachers. Last week, an arbitrator ruled that under state law, members of the Clark

Las Vegas Arbitrator Rules Against Union, Saves 134 Teacher Jobs

Tennessee Lawmakers Vote to Keep Teacher Evaluations Secret from Parents

NASHVILLE, Tenn. – For the first time ever, Tennessee is basing a portion of a teacher’s evaluation on student test data. Test scores will be combined with a principal’s classroom observations to create an overall score for teachers, ranging from 1 (significantly

Tennessee Lawmakers Vote to Keep Teacher Evaluations Secret from Parents

Unions Push Ballot Initiatives Against Reform in Three States

BOISE, Idaho – Millions of voters will go to the polls this year to choose between a more performance-based, accountable approach to public education, and the failed system supported by Big Labor. In Michigan, North Dakota and Idaho, state teachers unions are working to convince

Unions Push Ballot Initiatives Against Reform in Three States