Texas Senate Candidate Konni Burton to Start Runoff Campaign with Ted Cruz

Texas Senate Candidate Konni Burton to Start Runoff Campaign with Ted Cruz

FT. WORTH, TEXAS–Konni Burton, the favored conservative running for Senate District 10 will kick off her run-off election campaign with a community rally to promote #TakeBackSD10. Senator Ted Cruz is also expected to attend at Stockyards Station in Fort Worth this Wednesday, March 19. 

Burton is among a select handful of Texas candidates that Senator Cruz endorsed in the 2014 primary races. He recently called her a “tireless, unwavering warrior for the conservative cause” and urged voters in her district to support her in the run-off election on May 29.

In an interview with Breitbart Texas, Burton said, “This is a critical seat to win for Texas. If we take back Senate District 10, we will keep the Democrats from getting a foothold in one of the most important counties in Texas.”

A Burton win would also mean Republicans inch closer to securing a super majority in the Texas Senate. Civic leaders like Representative Matt Krause (R-Fort Worth), who will emcee the rally, would like Burton to be the one to take the seat formerly held by Wendy Davis. He has praised Burton for being the kind of conservative leader Senate District 10 needs. In an endorsement, he wrote, “I’ve campaigned alongside her, fighting for the conservative principles people want to see in Austin.”

Senate District 10 includes Fort Worth, Arlington, Mansfield, Colleyville, and other areas of south and northeast Tarrant County. Tarrant County is one of the remaining urban conservative strongholds in the nation. Konni Burton is a Colleyville resident.

Though this is her first political race, Burton is no newcomer to politics. She was instrumental in the winning Cruz 2012 senate campaign. She also served on the Tea Party Advisory committee in Austin. Her supporters say she is the only candidate in the race with a history of service for conservative candidates and their principles. Boosters also see Burton as the only Republican candidate with the momentum, conservative values and commitment to take back SD 10 from the Democrats. 

Burton told Breitbart Texas that “after knocking on thousands of doors you hear what everyone is concerned about. They are worried about the direction of our nation and state. They want to make sure that the person who represents District 10 has the backbone to push back on the spending that continues to grow in Austin.”

She added, “This district is pro-life and pro-gun; it is very conservative, and so am I and I’m ready to represent those principles in Austin.”

Additionally, Burton is concerned about two pressing issues Texas faces. She told Breitbart Texas, “Prioritizing our spending is first but a close second is bringing education reform to students who are sentenced to a failing school based on their zip code. Government must reign back its excessive spending and saving students from failing schools must be a priority.”

Last year, former Texas Republican Committeeman Tim Lambert told the Texas Patriot Statesman, “Konni understands the importance of fighting for our children and the rights of their parents. We share a common priority, the education of our youth.” Lambert heads the Texas Homeschool Coalition. 

In the interview, he also said, “I know Konni will stand strong for Texas values and making education better for each and every Texan. Konni has the moral foundation to be a leader in the Texas Senate.”

Burton’s campaign site houses many other strong endorsements from trusted conservatives, civic and community grassroots leaders in Senate District 10 and across Texas.

In the March 4 primary, Burton led the five-candidate Republican pack with 43 percent of the vote.  Her opponent in the run-off, Mark Shelton only received 35 percent. In 2012, Shelton was the losing Republican nominee against Wendy Davis in her re-election campaign. Davis is now running as the Democratic candidate for governor against Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott. 

The Senate District 10 run-off will be between Burton and Shelton. If Burton is successful in winning the Republican nod, she will face Democratic challenger Libby Willis in the November election. Willis has been endorsed by Wendy Davis.

Tickets to the event are free. All event details are online at #TakeBackSD10 with Senator Ted Cruz.

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