Earnest: Quarantines Unduly 'Burden' Health Care Workers

Earnest: Quarantines Unduly 'Burden' Health Care Workers

Monday at the White House daily press briefing, press secretary Josh Earnest said quarantines for health care workers who are returning from treating Ebola patients in West Africa, like nurse Kaci Hickox was over the weekend, would be an “unduly burden” on them.

Earnest said, “What this reflects is a commitment by this administration to review the guidelines in place to make sure that they reflect what is injury to the American people. We should not lose sight of whatever guidelines put in place should not unduly burden the health care workers who are operating in West Africa. Very difficult situations. They are putting themselves at risk to try to meet the needs of other people. That is a remarkable show of charity. Is also is an effort that is clearly in the best interest of the American people. The only way to entirely eliminate the risk from Ebola to the American people is to stop this outbreak in West Africa. American citizens are using their own medical expertise in pursuit of that goal. These individuals are heroes. They are a commitment to their common man and to their country as that should be respected. We believe we can show them the respect we have earned while protecting the American people.”

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