Audience Laughs at Shaheen for Ducking Question on Obama

Audience Laughs at Shaheen for Ducking Question on Obama

Sen Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) was laughed at by the audience at the New Hampshire Senate Debate on Tuesday when she would not give a clear answer on whether she approved of the job President Obama is doing.

When asked to give a simple, yes or no response to a hypothetical pollster asking, “do you approve of the job President Obama is doing?” Shaheen responded, “in some ways I approve, and some things I don’t approve,” a line that caused the audience to start laughing.  She continued “like most questions that we deal with as policymakers there aren’t simple answers, yes or no.”

Shaheen was then asked how she could reconcile voting with the president 99% of the time and President Obama’s low approval rating in New Hampshire.   She stated “I work for New Hampshire. And Scott Brown talks a lot about one survey and 99% of the time that I voted with the president,” before talking about her record getting a prison in New Hampshire opened, her work with residents who were facing foreclosure, and language she added to a veterans’ reform bill with Senator Kelly Ayotte (R-NH). 

She then concluded, “what we need is a senator who’s going to work for New Hampshire, who;s going to make sure we address the concerns we hear from our constituents, who’s going to be willing to work with Democrats, Republicans, and Independents, anybody in Washington who can help us get the job done for this state.”

(h/t RNC Research)

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