Carville Argues 13 Years from Now, We'll Still Be Bombing Muslims

Carville Argues 13 Years from Now, We'll Still Be Bombing Muslims

On Sunday’s “This Week” on ABC, Democratic strategist James Carville expressed his skepticism of an end game in the Middle East for the United States.

Carville explained that to host George Stephanopoulos and then criticized Congress for not passing the authorization for such air strikes to occur, despite the Air Force fighters being put in harm’s way.

Partial transcript as follows:

STEPHANOPOULOS: You know, to — to quote Reinhold Niebuhr, “Is there a grace in doing nothing here?”


Look, 13 years ago this October, we started bombing Muslims in the Middle East.

We’re still bombing them. Does any sane person think that 13 years from now, we’re not going to still be bombing them?

Of course we are. And if you listen to what Secretary [Robert] Gates said, we’re — and maybe we have to be. Maybe there is no alternative to — other than bombing people, but we’re getting in the middle of four — count them — four civil wars here.

And our Congress is too cowardly to pass a resolution. We’re brave enough to send Air Force fighters in to — that — that may get shot down.

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