Pelosi: Border Children Should Be Treated Like Refugee Baby Jesus

Pelosi: Border Children Should Be Treated Like Refugee Baby Jesus

Tuesday on MSNBC “Morning Joe,” House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) discussed the humanitarian crisis of tens of thousands of unaccompanied minors illegally flooding across the U.S.-Mexico border.

The congressional leader dismissed the strain on our nations financial resources to care for all the children of the world in troubled areas, saying she believes the U.S. government should look at the children like “baby Jesus,” who she added “was a refugee from violence.”

Pelosi said, “In Washington, I see an embrace of the idea that this is a humanitarian crisis by people who are not politicizing the issue. What we need to do is have the supplemental that gives us the resources to meet the humanitarian needs, to do the border control, but also to have the judicial piece so that these children have representation and judges to hear their cases. those who have a right to stay, whether it’s refugee status or asylum.”

Pelosi concluded, “I reference the conference of bishops statement in which they say baby Jesus was a refugee from violence. Let us not turn away these children and send them back into a burning building. That’s the bishops, so we have to do this in a way that honors our values but also protects our border and does so in a way that the American people understand more clearly.”

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