Former Border Patrol Chief: '1 in 5' Illegals Has Criminal Record

Former Border Patrol Chief: '1 in 5' Illegals Has Criminal Record

Former US Border Patrol Deputy Chief Ronald Coburn reported that the southern border is seeing “the kind of chaos we saw along the border prior to 9/11” and that “one in five” illegal aliens today has a criminal record in an appearance on Saturday’s broadcast of the Fox News Channel’s “Justice With Judge Jeanine.”

“One in ten of every adult male crosser[s] in this day and age more than likely already has a violent criminal record here in the United States, has been removed, and is returning. Another one in ten, making it one in five, is bringing with him or her their violent criminal tendencies and records from their own countries of which we don’t know yet” Coburn said.

He also stated that drug cartels are mocking the US: “as a border security subject matter expert I am closely linked with the intelligence community. And we do watch the social networks, the electronic networks where we see the cartels boasting about their gains being made and laughing at the US government’s handling of this situation…they are coming here not to contribute to society but to prey on society.” He also said the morale of the Border Patrol “has never been this poor.”

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