CNN: Senators 'Shocked' Hagel So 'Ill-Prepared'

CNN: Senators 'Shocked' Hagel So 'Ill-Prepared'

CNN’s Dana Bash: They actually took a break for an hour and during that break Senators were on the floor voting and, as Senators like to do, they were gossiping. I talked to many of them and what they were saying is that it was all the buzz on the floor. They were very surprised that Senator Hagel is simply not doing as well as many people thought he would. In fact, one Senator told me that it is al the talk. I mean, all the talk that the Senators are shocked about how ill prepared he is on some of the most basic controversial comments that he made that he and everyone knew would be asked about … So simply put, there is, as I said, disbelief … There’s a lot of people who were perplexed here.


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