49ers Player: NFL Needs Rule Against 'Penis' Tackles

49ers Player: NFL Needs Rule Against 'Penis' Tackles

San Francisco 49ers tight end Vernon Davis said the NFL needed to have a rule against tackling players “by his penis” a day after Davis said he was pulled down in a way that “was the most painful thing ever.”

On Sunday, St. Louis Rams player T.J. McDonald grabbed Davis’s penis to tackle him and Davis was seen writhing in pain on the ground.

Davis has since deleted his tweet, which read:

It should be a league rule saying that a defender can not tackle a player by his penis. #NFL the most painful thing ever! #NFL

He had previously said that he kept telling McDonald to let go during the play–and he would not. 

“I’m still thinking about it. I can feel it,” Davis said after the game. “It was a crossing route. I made the play, and as soon as I got my hands on the ball, [McDonald] was grabbing me right there in that space, that area, and I kept telling him, ‘Let go, get off me, get off me,’ and he wouldn’t let me go.”


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