Lance to Oprah: I Used Performance-Enhancing Drugs to Win All Seven of My Tour de France Titles

Lance to Oprah: I Used Performance-Enhancing Drugs to Win All Seven of My Tour de France Titles

In an interview with Oprah Winfrey that aired on Thursday, disgraced cyclist Lance Armstrong admitted to having doped, taken banned substances–which included EPO, cortisones, and testosterone–and used blood transfusions during all seven of his Tour de France victories.

Armstrong said he did not think it was humanely possible to win the Tour de France without taking performance-enhancing drugs. He said he started using banned substances in the mid-1990s. 

Winfrey started off the interview by directly asking Armstrong five “yes or no” questions. Winfrey and Armstrong taped the interview on Monday in Texas.

Armstrong had vehemently denied that he ever used performance-enhancing drugs. He even gave sworn testimony–under oath–that he had never doped.

A transcript of Oprah’s exchange with Armstrong at the beginning of the interview can be seen below:

Oprah: Did you ever take banned substances to enhance your cycling performance?

Lance Armstrong: Yes

Oprah: Was one of those banned substances EPO?

Lance Armstrong: Yes

Oprah: Did you ever blood dope, or use blood transfusions to enhance your cycling performance? 

Lance Armstrong: Yes

Oprah: Did you ever used other banned substances like cortisones, testosterone, or human growth hormone?

Lance Armstrong: Yes

Oprah: In all seven of your Tour de France victories, did you ever take banned substances or blood dope? 

Lance Armstrong: Yes


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