Jerry Brown Signs 'Green Bills' Before His Appearance at UN Climate Summit

Jerry Brown Signs 'Green Bills' Before His Appearance at UN Climate Summit

Gov. Jerry Brown, who had headed off receiving any possible criticism of his management from climate change advocates by recently signing a flurry of green-friendly bills, will be speaking at a United Nations climate summit this week, according to The Fresno Bee

Kicking off his summit appearance, where heads of state from around the world are also expected to attend, Brown announced on Sunday that he has signed a host of environment-related bills. One bill–AB 1721–will allow clean-air vehicles to use high-occupancy toll lanes without paying a toll or by paying a reduced fare.

Brown released a video in which he made his support for climate change policies abundantly clear, saying, “The science of climate change, of course, is very clear. The politics, not so. The politics of climate change are murky, uncertain and often totally ineffective. That’s why it’s good to take a look at what’s happening in California.”


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