Howard Stern: 'If You're Anti-Israel You're Anti-America'

Howard Stern: 'If You're Anti-Israel You're Anti-America'

Howard Stern says things other entertainers dare not discuss. That typically involves breast size, lesbian encounters and other titillating topics.

This week, Stern said something almost unheard of in celebrity circles. If you’re anti-Israel you’re also anti-America.

Stern took a caller who wondered if Stern might change his tune on Israel given the current fighting in the Middle East. Stern wasn’t having it.

“Israel’s at no fault,” he says.

“Jews get enough shit all over the world … Jews are the indigenous people of that area,” he says. “The Arabs don’t even want those Palestinians .. nobody wants them.”

The star of Private Parts was just warming up.

“If you’re anti-Israel you’re anti-America. [It’s] the only democracy over there, the only friend we have .. who’s willing to fight and stand up for what’s right.”

Stern slammed Roger Waters, the Pink Floyd legend who supports an Israeli boycott and speaks repeatedly about the evils of Israeli actions.

The radio host then compared the median salaries of Israelis and Palestinians, noting how much the former group created within land lacking abundant natural resources.

He parceled plenty of blame on the Palestinians for embracing the militant group Hamas, a group he says cares more about weapons than the basic needs of the populace.

“Instead of being mad at the fucking terrorists raping their country … that they’re not angry with. They’re angry with Israel,” he says. “They elected terrorists to run their country.”


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