ISIS: 'We Are the Soldiers of the Caliphate State and We Are Coming'

ISIS: 'We Are the Soldiers of the Caliphate State and We Are Coming'

The Islamic State, formerly known as ISIS, stated the jihadist group is coming to form a worldwide Caliphate in a chilling new video.

“Our message to the entire world is that we are the soldiers of the Caliphate state and we are coming,” the members announced.

In the video, the terrorists show off their recent conquests, with the IS flag raised over important Iraqi buildings. Towards the end, members march across Iraq’s largest hydroelectric dam and reservoir on the Tigris River. Apparently, the people at the dam knew IS was coming and fled.

“They did not even have the time to wear their clothes, and thank God that was by the hands of the Caliphate soldiers,” said one member as he described the scene inside the dam. “The proof is they left [their TVs] on their [channels], the fridge is as it is – and thank God for entering fear in their hearts.”

The dam provides power to Mosul, which IS seized in June. Daniel Pipes, president of the Middle East Forum, told CNN whoever controls the dam “can threaten just about everybody.” IS told Christians in Mosul to convert to Islam, pay a tax, or die. The majority chose to leave. For the first time in 2,000 years there are no Christians in the city.

At the end of the video, people bludgeon a picture of Iraq Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki with their shoes. In Arab culture, the shoe is “dirty because it is on the ground and associated with the foot, the lowest part of the body.” In 2008, Muntadar al-Zeidi threw a shoe at President George Bush. Iraqis hit Saddam Hussein’s toppled statues with shoes. 

Finally, IS flaunts what appears to be a warm welcome to them by the locals in an unnamed town.

IS forced thousands of Yazidis in northern Iraq to flee Sinjar. People are stranded in the mountains without food or water. President Barack Obama ordered a strike against IS and dropped aid to the refugees.


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