Palin: Obama Admin's 'Lazy' & 'Naive' Hashtag Activism 'Embarrassing'

Palin: Obama Admin's 'Lazy' & 'Naive' Hashtag Activism 'Embarrassing'

On Friday, former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin blasted the display of fecklessness and weakness from President Barack Obama’s administration with its “hashtag activism” to “bring back our girls.”

First Lady Michelle Obama tweeted “Bring Back Our Girls” last week in an attempt to put pressure on the international community and the Islamic Nigerian terrorists who kidnapped 300 Christian schoolgirls and are reportedly selling them to other militants.

In a Facebook post titled, “Obama Twittering Towards Chaos,” Palin blasted the Obama administration’s “embarrassing” reliance on junior high-like tweets and tickles in place of a foreign policy rooted in peace through strength.”

“Diplomacy via Twitter is the lazy, ineffectual, naïve, and insulting way for America’s leaders to deal with major national and international issues,” she said. “If you’re going to get involved anyway, Mr. President, learn to understand this and believe it, then announce it: Victory is only brought to you ‘courtesy of the red, white and blue.’ It’s certainly not won by your mere ‘unfriending’ the bad guys on Facebook. Leading from behind is not the American way.”

Palin noted that under Obama, “Hillary Clinton’s State Department repeatedly refused to recognize Boko Haram as terrorists despite their conventional, predictable Islamic terrorist rants, training, and mission.”

She added that the kidnapped Nigerian girls are now in a “life and death” situation in the hands of terrorists and asked, “And what is the Obama administration’s weapon of choice in this battle for these young girls’ lives? Hashtagging tweets on social media!”

“I kinda-sorta doubt a tweet will intimidate the kidnappers much,” she declared. “So, if you’re going to jump in and do something about these Islamic terrorists at all, then do it right, do it firmly, and kick their ass.”

Palin then said, “like the patriot writes in this photo, winning takes Warriors”:

If you intend to rescue these innocent girls whose only “crime” was seeking an education despite the threats of insane Islamic terrorists who drag women back to the Stone Age (see, Liberals, THAT is the real “war on women” so quit making it up that conservatives wage it), then you need to send a message to the world that our United States military is the strongest force to protect the good guys, and the most deadly against the bad guys. Pretty simple, the world needs to know America is still on the side of the good guys. 

Palin also posted a photo in which a man pointed to a sign on his shirt that read: 






Photos: @Flotus; Sarah Palin Facebook


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