20-Foot Croc Strands Man on Australian Island for 2 Weeks

20-Foot Croc Strands Man on Australian Island for 2 Weeks

KALUMBURU, Australia, Sept. 2 (UPI) — An Australian man said a New Zealand kayaker spent two weeks stranded on an island off the Western Australia coast as a result of being stalked by a crocodile.

Don MacLeod of Kalumburu said he spotted a light Saturday on Governor Island, off the far northern coast, and he investigated to discover a New Zealand man who told him he had been dropped off by a boat for a kayaking trip, but had been unable to leave the island for two weeks before an enormous crocodile was stalking him, the Australian Broadcasting Corp. reported Monday.

MacLeod said the man had attempted to flag down passing boats with a small fire, but the other vessels likely mistook the flames for a fisherman’s fire.

MacLeod told Rural Report he believes the crocodile that was stalking the man to be a 20-foot behemoth he had seen in the area.

“That crocodile I’ve seen him several times actually going by quite fast,” MacLeod said. “One day he just happened to surface alongside me as I was going past and my boat’s 20 foot long so he was well up towards the 20-foot mark.”

MacLeod said the man was unharmed and is preparing to start a new job at a grocery store on the mainland.


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