Kirsten Powers: Muslim Brotherhood Waging Brutal War on Christians

Kirsten Powers: Muslim Brotherhood Waging Brutal War on Christians

In a column published August 22, The Daily Beast’s Kirsten Powers wrote that the Muslim Brotherhood, “the group that ‘renounced violence’ in order gain political power,” is now showing its “true colors” with its war on Coptic Christians.

In fact, Powers writes that the Muslim Brotherhood is “engaged in a full-scale campaign of terror against Egypt’s Christian minority.”

She cited multiple examples of the Brotherhood’s activity:

The USA Today report that “40 churches have been looted and torched, while 23 others have been attacked and heavily damaged.”

The way nuns were paraded through the streets “like prisoners of war” after their Franciscan school was burned down.

The fact that an orphanage was burned down and the fact that the Brotherhood’s rage against Christians is so great that two security guards “on a tour boat owned by Christians were burned alive.”

Her list goes on, but these are sufficient to make her point. 

As Powers writes about the clashes between the Egyptian military and the Muslim Brotherhood, she asks a pertinent question: “What did the Christians have to do with [it]?” 

She contends that the Brotherhood “has been inciting violence against the Copts in an effort to scapegoat the religious minority for the ouster of former President Mohammed Morsi.” She bolsters this contention by citing 16 Egyptian human rights organizations who released a joint statement warning that the Brotherhood was getting ready to move against the Christian minority before a single church was even burned down.

The statement warned that the Brotherhood was prepared to use “violence and religious hatred in order to achieve political gains.”

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