Chaffetz: Obama Admin Covering Up Benghazi

Chaffetz: Obama Admin Covering Up Benghazi

Friday, Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-UT) stated the Obama administration has been covering up the truth about what took place during the Benghazi attack in Libya on 9/11. He described both the White House and State Department as uncooperative as his committee was attempting to obtain documents and conduct interviews for their investigation. Chaffetz is a senior member of the House Oversight Committee. 

We have more questions than ever and we have an administration that will not live up to the president’s promise of openness and transparency. That is not happening and it leads me to the conclusion that this is indeed a cover-up.

Chaffetz estimated the Committee still has not heard from more than two dozen Americans who were in Benghazi at the time of the attack.  He claims there were “thousands of emails, transcripts and other documents that the administration won’t hand over, impeding the committee’s investigation.”

The committee recently heard testimony from three whistle blowers about events surrounding the attack. Retired Ambassador Thomas Pickering agreed last week to voluntarily appear before the Oversight, after the Committee subpoenaed him to appear for a closed door interview.



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