Navy SEAL Who Killed Bin Laden Faces Uncertain Future

Navy SEAL Who Killed Bin Laden Faces Uncertain Future

Although still unidentified by name, the SEAL Team 6 member you fired the shots that killed Osama bin Laden has used confidential conversations to make it known that he is retiring from the SEALs to an unknown future. 

Companies don’t want to hire him because he’s a target of vengeful jihadis, and reports indicate he will leave the SEALs with “no pension, no healthcare, and no protection for himself or his family.”

His life is inverted, and those who he talks to say he tells stories about teaching his children to never even say the words “Osama bin Laden”; he doesn’t want them to draw attention to themselves. He also teaches them where to hide in the house if attacked, as well as showing his wife how to be effective with a shotgun and a knife.

But his wife and kids may not be with him much longer, as the pressure has torn the family apart. Although he and his wife still live in the same house, they are divorcing–she wants to change her name and the names of their children and get out from under the curse.

On Veterans’ Day 2012, President Obama said: “No one who fights for this country overseas should ever have to fight for a job, or a roof over their head, or the care that they have earned when they come home.”

Yet the American hero who killed “the most infamous terrorist in our time” has come home to an indifferent world where he can’t find a job and doesn’t know how long he will have a roof over his head.


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