Merry Christmas to Our Troops Around the World

Merry Christmas to Our Troops Around the World

As U.S. troops in Afghanistan gathered around long tables for Christmas dinner with their “second family” so many thousands of miles from home, all of us at Breitbart News wanted to take time to wish them a Merry Christmas. 

And we want to assure them that they are not forgotten in the least: rather, we know we enjoy freedom today because of the sacrifices they have made and continue to make.

The photographs of the Christmas dinner appeared in newspapers this morning, and you could see our brave troops smiling with Christmas trees and pictures of Santa behind and beside them: their weapons slung over their backs or tucked under their chairs just in case.

Some of our troops could be seen wiping tears from their cheeks, and to these especially we at Breitbart News say “thank you for your service to our country.”

I have a cousin in the Middle East right now. He was at my house just a few months ago talking about this deployment, which is by no means his first. He is indicative of so many troops with whom one comes into contact, in that he hates being away from his family but he would hate not fighting for his country even more.

I thought of him as I read stories this morning of soldiers who are missing Christmas with their newborns or their three-year old daughters or their extended families. 

It is another part of their sacrifice — a part for which we at Breitbart News wanted to be sure to say “thank you.”

God bless our troops around the world. Merry Christmas.


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