Muslim Protests At US Embassies Continue, Media Ignores

Muslim Protests At US Embassies Continue, Media Ignores

We know that the mainstream media is in the tank for President Obama. It took them two full weeks to turn their attention to the inconsistencies in the Obama administration’s Libya cover story. So it’s no surprise to find that they’re not covering continuing turmoil in the Muslim world. At all.

Even as the media focuses on whether Mitt Romney wants to roll down windows on airplanes, protests continue outside our embassies around the globe. As Jim Geraghty points out, hundreds of Thai Muslims are massed around our embassy in Bangkok, Thailand; Bangladesh’s police reported that they had picked up a university professor for planning an attack on our embassy in Dhaka; hundreds more Muslims are massing in Calcutta, India, breaking through barricades and trying to break into our embassy; a 200-vehicle convoy of Muslim radicals rabbleroused near the US embassy in Manila, Philippines.

The Obama administration’s sympathies for Muslims around the globe in their war on anti-Islam YouTube videos hasn’t quelled their rage, apparently. Obama can speak over and over again at the UN, and it won’t quell their rage. Until he presents moral clarity and a full-throated defense of free speech rather than giving lip service to the “prophet of Islam,” this nonsense will continue.


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