Uniformed Military Banned from Downtown Chicago During NATO

Uniformed Military Banned from Downtown Chicago During NATO

The Commanding Officer of U.S. Naval Station Great Lakes, just north of Chicago, has ordered all uniformed military personnel to stay out of downtown Chicago from May 18 to 22 during the NATO Summit. Given threats of violent protest at the meeting of international leaders, the Navy cannot guarantee their safety.

The order represents a unique hardship to new sailors in the U.S. Navy, who traditionally visit downtown Chicago after completing several weeks of rigorous training at Great Lakes before being deployed to their new bases.

Anarchists, socialists, Occupiers, and other activists of various kinds have begun descending on the NATO Summit site in the hopes of inciting confrontations with police, attracting attention, and re-igniting the dormant Occupy Wall Street movement that was the darling of the mainstream media in the fall of 2011.


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