MSNBC's Ed Schultz: Gays 'Really the Ones Persecuted' in Nazi Holocaust

MSNBC's Ed Schultz: Gays 'Really the Ones Persecuted' in Nazi Holocaust

MSNBC’s Ed Schultz just found out that Twitter is forever when he tweeted that gays were “really” the ones persecuted during Hitler’s holocaust.

The MSNBC host Godwined himself before anyone else even said a word with a tweet where he informed the world of who was the “real” target of Hitler’s Final Solution.

“Gay people were really the ones being persecuted in Hitler’s Germany,” Schultz blurted out on his EdShow Twitter feed at 4:50 PM on May 12.

Schultz accompanied his Tweet with an image of a webpage that reported on the thousands of gays that the Nazis reportedly put to death or otherwise interned in their odious death camps.

Schultz deleted the tweet only minutes later, but Twitter user Calle_Elefante took a screen shot of the message and saved it for the ages.

@Matthops82 Checkout this tweet Ed sent out and then deleted quickly.

— Elefante (@Calle_Elefante) May 12, 2014

Fifty minutes later, Schultz’s account tweeted what appears to be the incitement for his novel Holocaust theory–that Republican Congressman Louie Gohmert compared the linguistic tactics of militant gay activists to those of the Nazis.

NEXT on #edshow@replouiegohmert compares #LBGT advocates to… #Pretenders #teamedshow

— Ed Schultz (@edshow) May 12, 2014

Gohmert said on the House floor Friday:

I agree with Moses and Jesus that marriage was a man and a woman, now all of a sudden, people like me are considered haters, hate mongers, evil, which really is exactly what we’ve seen throughout our history as going back to the days of the Nazi takeover in Europe. What did they do? First, they would call people “haters” and “evil” and build up disdain for those people who held those opinions or religious views or religious heritage. And then the next came, well, those people are so evil and hateful, let’s bring every book that they’ve written or has to do with them and let’s start burning the books, because we can’t tolerate their intolerance.


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