Carney Can't (Or Won't) Name 'Senior Staff' Who Knew About IRS Report

Carney Can't (Or Won't) Name 'Senior Staff' Who Knew About IRS Report

The obfuscation continues. Monday’s White House press briefing was enlightening, in many respects, with regard to the ever evolving story of whom at the White House knew about the IRS IG report on the targeting of conservative groups for inappropriate, extra scrutiny. For instance, we learned that despite claiming that he originally heard about the report last Friday via news reports, Treasury Secretary Jack Lew actually knew about the report some time in March. 

We also learned, from press secretary Jay Carney, that many other members of the President’s “senior staff” knew about the report and purposely failed to inform their boss, Barack Obama. When pressed about the names of these “senior staff” members, Carney replied “I don’t have a list for you.” Was this his way of refusing to disclose the names? Or, was he merely saying that he didn’t have the names “at that moment” and will provide them later?

It will be nice to see if any reporter follows up today and asks again. Will Carney have that list and will he disclose it? If not, why not? 

Watch the Q & A here:  


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