Geraldo 'Can't Imagine' IRS Henchwoman Was Rewarded for Harassing Conservative Groups

Geraldo 'Can't Imagine' IRS Henchwoman Was Rewarded for Harassing Conservative Groups

Fox News host Geraldo Rivera appeared on “Fox and Friends” Friday morning to discuss the latest revelations regarding the IRS scandal and Sarah Hall Ingram, the woman who oversaw the division responsible for harassing conservative groups. The show’s hosts pointed out that Hall is now in charge of the division that will implement the Affordable Care Act. 

Gretchen Carlson challenged Rivera’s assertion that Ingram was not rewarded for her efforts. “You think it was just a total coincidence that she was named to that post after being responsible for targeting conservatives?”

Rivera said, “I can’t imagine that she was rewarded for targeting conservative groups by getting that big job, because I think the president is smart enough to know that if you take someone who is wounded in that way, they have this metastasizing disease, this scandal, attached to them, and you give them a big job, it’s not going to protect them.”

Watch the segment here:  


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