Video: Jay Carney Caught in Falsehood Over Obama Support of 'Press Protection' Law

Video: Jay Carney Caught in Falsehood Over Obama Support of 'Press Protection' Law

One of the more tense and interesting exchanges during Tuesday’s White House briefing occurred when NBC’s Chuck Todd exposed White House spokesman Jay Carney as not exactly being honest regarding a talking point involving a piece of legislation that might have protected the Associated Press from the Department of Justice seizing the phone records of 20 reporters.

Throughout the briefing, Carney kept reminding reporters that, as a United State senator, President Obama had been in favor of this “press protection” legislation, but Republicans had killed it.

Todd, who had obviously done his homework, then dropped a nuke on Carney by revealing that, in 2009 as president, Obama changed his mind and “killed” the legislation, even though at the time it likely would have easily passed through both chambers of Congress, which were then controlled by Democrats.

This is good work by Todd. Watch the exchange below. Listen closely, too. After Todd drops the bomb, someone in the press corps can be heard going, “Whoaaaa…”


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