Anchor: IRS Targeted Me After Obama Interview (Video)

Anchor: IRS Targeted Me After Obama Interview (Video)

In a startling Facebook post published Monday night, KMOV news anchor Larry Connors claims that, after he interviewed President Obama in April of 2012, “the IRS started hammering me.”

Shortly after I did my April 2012 interview with President Obama, my wife, friends and some viewers suggested that I might need to watch out for the IRS.

I don’t accept “conspiracy theories”, but I do know that almost immediately after the interview, the IRS started hammering me.

At the time, I dismissed the “co-incidence”, but now, I have concerns … after revelations about the IRS targeting various groups and their members

Connors’ April interview, as he points out in his post, garnered a lot of national attention when he asked the President some tough questions–the kind the national media never would. After suggesting the President might be “out of touch,” Connors asked how appropriate it is for the First Family to be enjoying luxury vacations at taxpayer expense in the heart of a nationwide recession:

Connors wrote that after he pursued this line of questioning, “The President’s face clearly showed his anger; afterwards, his staff which had been so polite … suddenly went cold.”

Connor says that, with these new revelations about the IRS targeting Tea Party groups, he now has to ask himself if “the IRS put a target on me.”

As the IRS scandal continues to grow by the hour, it is becoming increasingly apparent that all of this is looking like something politically motivated by someone somewhere willing to use the IRS as a tool of intimidation against anyone considered a threat to Barack Obama’s reelection.

On top of that, you have the Department of Justice going after the AP with the seizure of phone records.

I’m not saying the dots connect, but that there are dots is without question. 


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