It’s going to be a long time before we forget just how hard the ObamaMedia laughed at the NRA’s Wayne LaPierre when he suggested that the answer to stopping mass-shootings is to place an armed guard in every school in America.
Oh, the lulz.
If you remember, in-between howls of ridicule, the same media that regularly defends and shrugs off Obama’s annual trillion-dollar deficits were suddenly wringing their hands over the cost of such a program. But overall the media just found the whole idea silly, because Obama’s policies are certain to include a magic that makes those capable of mass-murder willing to abide by gun control laws.
In the end, it was the media that made biased fools of themselves, which is probably why this Quinnipiac University poll released a couple of days ago has been ignored:
By a margin of 54 to 41, voters support placing armed guards in public schools, according to the poll’s findings.
That’s a poll of residents in Connecticut.
Newtown is in Connecticut.
Apparently the media finds the moral authority of some “victims” more equal than others.
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