Biden: Legitimate News Media Will Help in Push for Gun Control

Biden: Legitimate News Media Will Help in Push for Gun Control

During a Feb. 11 press conference in Philadelphia, VP Joe Biden said he and President Obama are “counting on…legitimate news media” to help in their gun control efforts.

In doing this, he clearly implied that some media outlets are legitimate and some aren’t. And he based this on those who carry water for the administration vs. those that don’t. 

He came to this point at the news conference on gun violence by decrying news stories that highlight Democrat efforts to take guns. He said such stories were “a bunch of malarkey.”

He then continued: 

The social media that exists out there, the tragedies that have occurred, the Supreme Court decision affirming that it’s an individual right to bear arms–all give a lie to the argument that what we’re trying to do is somehow unconstitutional, or somehow goes after the legitimate right to keep and bear arms. 

He said he knew people would continue to “misrepresent” the positions taken by himself and Obama, but that “legitimate news media” would cover them in a way that’s helpful to the administration.


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