Soledad O'Brien Out at CNN?

Soledad O'Brien Out at CNN?

UPDATE: The morning show pairing of Cuomo and Burnett is confirmed, per DHD. No word yet on what that means for O’Brien.

But-but -but if CNN dumps Soledad O’Brien, who will tell me who’s black in America?

The story spreading like wildfire today is that ABC’s Chris Cuomo is moving over to CNN to co-host a morning show with Erin Burnett, who currently anchors a CNN primetime hour. This wouldn’t leave a whole lot of room for CNN’s current morning host, Soledad O’Brien, whose only claim to fame has been delivering record ratings — record LOW ratings — and slow-motion train wrecks like this.

O’Brien did not make an appearance on her own show this morning, and via Twitter, told those who inquired why, that she was off to a Martin Luther King celebration:

Chris Cuomo has only ever hit my radar in a positive way. His willingness to go against The Narrative last month in the heat of the media’s fevered push for gun control, impressed me to no end. The only hope CNN has to distinguish itself is to be a news outlet that thinks independently of The Narrative — to get off the Narrative Plantation and chart its own course in covering the news.

Erin Burnett has hit my radar in ways both good and bad, but not frequently. There’s no question, though, that she’s incredibly smart. That alone will improve “Starting Point.”

If I were given the reins of CNN, my first moves would’ve been to hire Jake Tapper, dump Soledad O’Brien, and give Wolf Blitzer a starring role as Lenny in a CNN Showcase Production of: “Of Mice and Men.”

Tell me again about the talking points, Barack.

So far CNN Chief Jeff Zucker’s two-for-three.


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