Wendy's Stumbles into Chick-fil-A Controversy

Wendy's Stumbles into Chick-fil-A Controversy

Wendy’s stepped into a world of controversy this afternoon after Wendy’s franchisee Jim Furman was forced to remove “We Stand With Chick Fil A” on a number of his stores’ signs:

Jim Furman, CEO of Tarheel Capital, is one of Wendy’s biggest franchise owners (he has 86 locations), and he’s making his support for Chick-fil-A known.

This morning, several of his Wendy’s locations in North Carolina put up signs that read, “We stand with Chick-fil-A,” reports the L.A. Times.

When asked about this on Twitter, Wendy’s replied:

Wendy’s put the emphasis on “ALL,” which seemed to imply that Chick-Fil-A didn’t serve all. 

It’s unclear whether or not Wendy’s was saying they were in TwitMO (for Tweeting the same message over and over to a large number of accounts) or if it was just a deflection. They really emphasized howthey were happy to serve all but Chick-Fil-A?

An hour later:

Chick-Fil-A doesn’t discriminate in either hiring or service, so it’s unclear why Wendy’s felt the need to involve itself and suggest otherwise. 


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