Media Gives Obama Speech a Thumbs Down

Media Gives Obama Speech a Thumbs Down

President Obama has no greater fan base than the mainstream media. They gleefully carried his water through Bill Ayers, the BP oil spill, and Fast & Furious. But because they have no more soul to sell, the one thing the media can’t do is make the economy better for him. This, of course, puts the media in the awful position (at least for them) of having to pile on Their Precious One’s increasing pile of failures, including a speech today that was supposed to reboot the President’s flailing campaign:

Prior to President Barack Obama’s marathon 54 minute speech in Ohio today, the Obama campaign sent our several statements promising the speech would be a major address framing the campaign going forward. Despite the hype, the speech was mainly a rehash of themes and ideas from the president’s recent stump speeches and his remarks were widely panned as overly long by the political press corps. …

Before the speech was over, Politico’s Mike O’Brien begged the president to stop.

On the air, MSNBC’s Jonathan Alter said it was “one of the worst speeches I’ve ever heard Barack Obama make.” He refused to back down.

Obama’s policies are not only failing to a point his media pals can’t shill him over 50 percent, so are his … speeches.

This is the man who the media let speech his way out of Jeremiah Wright!

This was a crucial address for the Obama campaign, what was supposed to be a turning point away from two lousy weeks and set the themes that would coast the President to a second term. Instead, from what I and others heard, it was just more of the same: government, government, government.

Obama is a lousy campaigner when he’s in trouble and unable to ride a wave of popularity with high-falutin’ rhetoric, and after today he’s only in more trouble.

Recent polls show pieces of Obama’s base are breaking away and unless he’s able to get his mojo back, that could very well include his most important base: his Media Palace Guards. 


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