Former ABC/CNN Executive Harasses Gay Couple with Dog Feces

Former ABC/CNN Executive Harasses Gay Couple with Dog Feces

Led by the corrupt Washington Post, somehow all of the equally corrupt media was able to read the mind of a teen-aged Mitt Romney nearly a half-century ago and deduce that a stunt he pulled on a fellow high school student was driven by homophobia. Last weekend, however, a member of the media’s very own elite, Bob Furnad, was caught on video shoving a plastic bag filled with dog feces into a mailbox owned by Benjamin Dameron and Ralph Miller, an openly gay couple who have no idea why Furnad would do such a thing:

A neighborhood argument ended with a stinky stunt that left one man facing a $180 fine.

The prankster admitted to police that he shoved a plastic bag filled with dog feces into his neighbor’s mailbox. But he’s not just any neighbor – he was once an instructor at the University of Georgia and he was also a high-ranking executive at CNN.

Bob Furnad walked his dog right past his neighbor’s driveway last weekend and that’s when he placed a plastic bag full of dog feces inside his neighbor’s mailbox. But Furnad didn’t count on getting caught red-handed on surveillance video.

“What’s the argument about?” asked CBS Atlanta News reporter Steve Kiggins to Benjamin Dameron, Furnad’s neighbor.

“I have no idea, no clue,” replied Dameron.

Those in the media that have bothered to report the story — which, as you can imagine, isn’t many — haven’t even bothered to do the digging this Citizen journalist has to uncover Furnad’s possible motive, probably because the media is worried they might learn one of their own is harassing a gay couple.   

Apparently, the only punishment Furnad will face is a measly $180 fine even though, as CBS Atlanta points out, fines and jail time are both a possibility when the United States  postal inspector gets involved in the crime of mailbox vandalism.

Oh, and as David Stein at Republican Party Animals reports, Furnad hates Republicans:

On Facebook, he’s a big fan of the anti-Republican page “LOLGOP,” and he’s a big booster of Democrat politicians, including Barack Obama.

Once again, we see the power of New Media, where everyday American citizens tell the truth and present the full context of a story old media either covers up or doesn’t want to dig into for fear that what they find will upset the narrative.


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