Report: Leonardo DiCaprio, Martin Scorsese Visit Obama in White House

Report: Leonardo DiCaprio, Martin Scorsese Visit Obama in White House

Marquee movie stars and directors are busy this time of year campaigning on behalf of their latest project.

The road to Oscar is paved with public appearances and soft media interviews.

Leonardo DiCaprio and director Martin Scorsese were doing just that today on behalf of The Wolf of Wall Street before they hustled off to meet President Barack Obama at the White House.

The pair was supposed to attend a lunch today at the Four Seasons in New York for the movie, with guests including other actors, directors and some press. DiCaprio came and spent exactly 9 minutes making perfunctory greetings before going to join Scorsese for the plane ride to Washington.

Street, the latest collaboration between DiCaprio and Scorsese, tells the true story of a ’90s era financial wizard who let greed get the better of him.

The Obama White House came under criticism recently for screening Oscar-caliber films, with some Hollywood talent bemoaning the role it could play on Academy voters’ minds and others claiming Obama played favorites with his campaign donors.


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