ABC Wonders if 'Polyamory' Trumps Traditional Marriage

ABC Wonders if 'Polyamory' Trumps Traditional Marriage

First the mainstream media championed gay marriage; now they are clearly out to destroy traditional marriage with a vengeance.

On Monday, ABC News decided to publicize a movement known as polyamory, meaning people bedding down with multiple romantic and sexual partners as a legitimate relationship. Co-anchor Dan Harris said, “Just for a minute, let’s do a thought experiment. Let’s set aside all of the emotion and consider whether the evangelists for open marriage might have a point.”

Later, he added, “More couples opting to become triples or fourples. Live-in lovers spicing up the marital bed, even helping raise the children.”

Nick Watt, reporting for ABC, interviewed Michael, Kamela and Rachel, a threesome that sleeps with others and still finds the time to raise a child. Watt breathlessly gasped, “They’re spreading the gospel of polyamory, hoping to speed up societal acceptance of this kind of set-up.”

But Watt himself tried to keep himself composed; he told sexual psychologist Karen Stewart, “Watching your spouse having sex with somebody else is not really my bag, I’ve got to say.” He told the gleesome threesome, “If my wife saw my face light up when I looked at another woman, she’d be pissed.”

ABC has tried pushing the polyamory meme before; on January 4, 2012, Good Morning America triumphantly reported the sex games of a “modern” family who sleep with others within their “species.”

Some excerpts from last Monday’s show:

WATT: If my wife saw my face light up when I looked at another woman, she’d be pissed.

DEVI: She’s probably threatened that you’d leave her for that other woman and if you’re monogamous, that’s your only option, right?

WATT: Crazy Californians, I hear you mutter. Maybe not. This kind of relationship is becoming increasingly common.

KAREN STEWART (psychologist specializing in sex therapy): The divorce rate in the united states is over 50%. People are not as faithful.

WATT: Really?

STEWART: Absolutely. Because the world has become a much smaller space. We can seek out connections. There is dating sites on every street corner. You can go anywhere to meet somebody new.

WATT: More open relationships might be a modern way to make it work.

WATT: Is this in our future? Societal acceptance of something other than monogamy?

STEWART: Polyamory is not about being swingers. It’s about creating love and lasting relationships.

WATT: Taking aside the whole robes and lotions kind of, you know, side of things, I mean, everyday life?

DEVI: We share life together. I’ve got a son. It takes a village to raise a child and it feels really good to have that kind of support.

STEWART: When he goes to school in ten years, when he brings dates home, this is probably going to be a little complicated for him and I’m not sure if the parents are thinking down the road about that.

WATT: Watching your spouse having sex with somebody else is not really my bag, I’ve got to say.

WATT: They’re spreading the gospel of polyamory, hoping to speed up societal acceptance of this kind of set-up.

DEVI: I really think that society in ten years is going to be, like, this is a new paradigm.


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