Get Off My Lawn! Rob Zombie Complains of Skate Park Noise In Connecticut

Get Off My Lawn! Rob Zombie Complains of Skate Park Noise In Connecticut

There was a time when Rob Zombie was the baddest, nastiest metal/horror punk performer on the music scene.  He was this guy: 

Fans may be surprised to learn that Zombie is in the news today but not for some wild on-stage antics reminiscent of Ozzy Osbourne or Alice Cooper. No, the latest story about Zombie is that he’s upset over the noise from a nearby skate park in his hometown of Hartford, CT. 

The Associated Press reports:  

The noise from a new skate park in Connecticut is too much for rocker Rob Zombie.

He and his wife have complained to the Litchfield County town of Woodbury that the park, which opened near their home in April, makes such a racket that it should be moved.

The town is looking into moving the park, but first it’s trying to muffle the noise by enclosing the sides of the metal skate ramps, stuffing the jumps with Styrofoam and putting up soundproofing fabric on a fence, said First Selectman Gerald Stomski. The park hours were also reduced and it is closed on Sundays.

Stomski said the town is responding to the complaint from the Zombies as it would for any resident.

“We do know the Zombies, on a side note, and they are just normal people like anyone else in our town,” Stomski said. About 10,000 people live in the well-to-do small town nestled in Litchfield Hills, known for antiquing.

Zombie, 48, began his career with the ’80s shock-rock band White Zombie and has reinvented himself as a contemporary horror film master with “House of 1000 Corpses,” its sequel, “The Devil’s Rejects,” and the recently released “The Lords of Salem.”

Yes, Rob Zombie has become this guy: 


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