Cusack on Obama: 'Just Another Ivy League A**hole?'

Cusack on Obama: 'Just Another Ivy League A**hole?'

On screen, actor John Cusack is the likable, occasionally befuddled fellow you can count on in a pinch.

Off screen, he’s a hardcore liberal who once dubbed members of the Bush administration “criminally incompetent robber barons now raiding the present and future.”

Now, the “Say Anything” star has President Barack Obama in his sights, and he’s not giving him any wiggle room for his actions.

Mr. Obama, the Christian president with the Muslim-sounding name, would heed the admonitions of neither religion’s prophets about making war and do what no empire or leader, including Alexander the Great, could do: he would, he assured us “get the job done in Afghanistan.” And so we have our democratic president receiving the Nobel Peace Prize as he sends 30,000 more troops to a ten-year-old conflict in a country that’s been war-torn for 5,000 years….

Under Obama do we continue to call the thousands of mercenaries in Afghanistan “general contractors” now that Bush is gone? No, we don’t talk about them … not a story anymore….

One is forced to asked the question: Is the President just another Ivy League Asshole shredding civil liberties and due process and sending people to die in some shithole for purely political reasons?

There will be a historical record. “Change we can believe in” is not using the other guys’ mob to clean up your own tracks while continuing to feed at the trough. Human nature is human nature, and when people find out they’re being hustled, they will seek revenge, sooner or later, and it will be ugly and savage.


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