Voight, Turner, Baldwin Toast GOP in Tampa

Voight, Turner, Baldwin Toast GOP in Tampa

Not everyone in Tinsel Town is hoping President Barack Obama gets a second term.

Jon Voight leads the right-of-center celebrity brigade in Tampa this week at the Republican’s 2012 convention.

Voight, the Oscar-winning actor from “Midnight Cowboy,” “Deliverance” and “Mission: Impossible,” already made headlines yesterday when he blasted the mainstream media for bowing at the altar of the president.

The actor is joined now by Janine Turner, the star of “Northern Exposure” who hosts her own right-leaning radio show. Also on hand is Stephen Baldwin, star of “The Usual Suspects” and brother of one of the industry’s most outspoken liberals, Alec Baldwin of “30 Rock” fame.

The rock group 3 Doors Down will also appear at this week’s RNC to play its new single, “One Light.”


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