Oscar-Winner Duvall to Host Romney Fundraiser

Oscar-Winner Duvall to Host Romney Fundraiser

Not everyone in Hollywood will be pulling the lever for President Barack Obama come Nov. 6.

Legendary actor Robert Duvall is one of the few conservatives in show business, even if he’s not nearly as outspoken politically as a Sean Penn or Tim Robbins.

Now, the Oscar winner is stepping up his political involvement by opening his spacious home to help Mitt Romney’s presidential chances come Fall.

Actor Robert Duvall, star of “Apocalypse Now” and “The Godfather,” will host a fundraiser for the Republican presidential hopeful in September at his Virginia home.

According to the invitation — obtained Wednesday by the National Journal — tickets to the event are $2,500 per person, while a $10,000 donation will assure you a photo with Duvall. For $25,000, supporters will get to enjoy dinner at the Duvall home.


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