Gohmert: Holder Worse Than John Mitchell, Nixon's AG Who Went to Jail

Gohmert: Holder Worse Than John Mitchell, Nixon's AG Who Went to Jail

Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX) praised the resignation of Attorney General Eric Holder on Thursday, saying that Holder is the worst attorney general in his lifetime–including John Mitchell, Richard Nixon’s attorney general who went to jail for covering up Watergate.

“For many years now, I have been calling for Attorney General Holder’s resignation,” Gohmert said. “Not only has he lied before members of Congress and, ultimately, been held in contempt, he has obfuscated the truth and been the most partisan, partial, prejudiced, and self-pitying attorney general in my lifetime, including John Mitchell who went to jail for his crime.”

“As a former judge who has questioned Holder numerous times before the House Judiciary Committee, it is frustrating to seek the truth and receive dishonesty and arrogance from the chief law enforcement officer of the United States government,” Gohmert stated, adding:

Additionally, he has prosecuted more people for leaking–which sometimes is an effort at whistleblowing–than all other attorneys general added together. He has not only failed to investigate crimes and potential crimes occurring in this administration, he has been the Cover-Upper-in-Chief and will be sorely missed by those in the administration, like Lois Lerner, who want to disobey the law and flaunt it. It is my sincere hope that the Obama administration will appoint an attorney general who is reputable and truly desiring to uphold law and order for all Americans–not just cater to this administration’s whims and ideology.


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