BLM Confirms It Killed Six Of Bundy's Cattle

BLM Confirms It Killed Six Of Bundy's Cattle

The Bureau of Land Management is confirming it killed six cattle as part of its standoff against the Bundy Ranch in Bunkersville, NV.

“A total of six cattle died or were euthanized,” a BLM official told Breitbart News.

The official listed the dead livestock cataloged by the BLM explaining, “The Bundy branded bull that was euthanized posed a significant threat to employees during the gather. The Bundy branded cow ran into a fence panel injuring its spine and was euthanized.” The dead animals listed by the official were:

  • 1 Bundy branded bull was euthanized
  • 1 Bundy branded cow was euthanized
  • 1 unbranded bull was euthanized
  • 1 unbranded cow was euthanized
  • 1 unbranded bull died
  • 1 unbranded cow died

According to the BLM, the gather was based on recent court orders. “Most recently, in 2013, in two separate orders, the U.S. District Court of Nevada directed Mr. Bundy to remove his cattle within 45 days, and authorized the United States to impound his cattle,” said the official.

The Bundy Ranch Facebook page, run by Bundy’s daughter Bailey Bundy Logue, posted photos of dead cattle from a mass grave, which they say belong to the Bundy Ranch, a few days after the BLM impoundment and called the agency’s actions “unjust.” The Bundy Ranch claim the cows and bulls were either “run to death” or shot.

The People for Ethical Treatment of Animals weighed in on the situation as well telling Breitbart News in a statement, “These animals shouldn’t be killed either by the government, or by the rancher who plans to send the cows off to slaughter. The best thing anyone can do to stop the suffering of animals is to go vegan.”

The Bundy family has refused to stop allowing their cattle to graze on federally-owned land, saying the federal government does not have any authority over them. The impasse led to a tense standoff last-week in which both federal agents and Bundy supporters had sniper rifles trained on each others. The government ultimately backed down, at least for now.


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