Report: Condi Rice Pushes for Amnesty in Speech to GOP

Report: Condi Rice Pushes for Amnesty in Speech to GOP

Former Secretary of State and National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice pressed for comprehensive immigration reform when she addressed the National Republican Congressional Committee on Wednesday.

According to The Hill, Rice, “who has been advocating for comprehensive immigration reform legislation, also took aim at those who oppose reform on the issue.” She called on “members of the lower chamber, many of whom were in the audience, to embrace” it.

“They’ve come here from poor countries and they’ve come here from well-to-do countries. But they’ve come here to refresh us,” Rice said. “We are a nation of immigrants and I know it’s hard, but this nation of immigrants has got to remain a nation of immigrants, drawing to its shores the best and the brightest, the ambitious, those who belong with us and will make ‘we the people’ stronger.”

Rice has said one of the greatest regrets of her time in George W. Bush’s administration was not seeing the comprehensive McCain-Kennedy amnesty bill enacted into law.


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